Sunday, December 16, 2007

As Promised . . .

It's staggering how fast time passes by, especially as the holiday season approaches.

Okay, okay. You're right. I should be writing, but I thought I'd share those Czech Republic covers with you as promised, the ones for the first three books in the Steve Cline series. What I find interesting is the similarities between covers. I haven't researched other mysteries released in the Czech Republic to see if this is a common practice. Is this a tactic to help readers find books by the same author, or is it a practice to cut expenses? I don't know. What I do know is, as a reader/shopper, I might confuse them because they look so alike. But then, Lee Child's current cover art in his hardcover releases all feature a bull's eye. So, maybe it wouldn't be a problem, after all.




Sunday, November 25, 2007

Getting Started . . .

I've thought on and off about starting a blog and decided, finally, to give it a try. I've been wanting to write about researching TRIPLE CROSS (my latest mystery which is set in Louisville and on the backside of Churchill Downs in the weeks leading up to the Kentucky Derby) and the fun I had doing it, but what pushed me over the edge and really got me thinking about a blog was finding a book review in the Czech Republic. Not of TRIPLE CROSS, but of an earlier title.

TRIPLE CROSS is the fourth installment in the Steve Cline mystery series. Visit my
website to learn more.

Anyway, back to this book review. Recently, the entire Steve Cline Mystery Series (except for TRIPLE CROSS, because it's too new) has been released in the Czech Republic, and as is customary, an author will receive a complimentary copy of each title released in a foreign language. These are always a thrill to receive. In Czech, I'm Kit Ehrmanova, btw. So, I was finally getting around to putting the foreign covers on my website when I discovered a review of DEAD MAN'S TOUCH in IN Magazin in Czech.

Of course, I can't read the thing, but it looks promising.

Kit Ehrmanová: Dotek mrtvého muže Mladý ošetřovatel koní Steve Cline, který se stal tak silným a sympatickým hrdinou v předešlé autorčině knize V nebezpečí, vyhledá otce, kterého nikdy nepoznal. Ten je trenérem plnokrevných koní na dostihovém závodišti v Marylandu. Steve se od otce dozví, že si někdo nekale pohrává s jeho koňmi, aby ovlivnil výsledky dostihů, a rozhodne se mu pomoci. Přijme v jeho stájích podřadné místo vodiče, aby mohl nerušeně přijít věci na kloub. Jeho tajná role mu navíc umožní vyzkoušet si život v zázemí a dostat se blíže k těm úžasným a nádherným zvířatům, která mají lepší povahu a srdce než ti, kteří je považují za pouhé zboží. Ehrmanová, která má pracovní zkušenosti ze sportovních stájí i hřebčínů, zaujala dalším dobrodružným příběhem, kterým vstupuje do tohoto odvážného a odhodlaného prostředí. Příběh začíná tam, kde Dick Francis skončil. Ve stáji. Olympia

And I can only hope that that reference to the master, Dick Francis, is a positive one.